Monday, December 15, 2008


MK, T. Willy and I went to the mall yesterday to do some Christmas shopping. We told T. Willy that he could see Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. So, we finished our shopping pretty easily (thank goodness...I am now truly finished!!!!) and went to stand in line. T. seemed pretty excited...not jumping up and down crazy happy, but - okay, this is Santa, that's cool- excited. I let MK get in line with him and I stood to the side, because MK enjoys that part of being a big sister. Then I see them walking toward me with T. WIlly in tears. "I don't want to see Santa," was our only explanation; that was good enough. Maybe we'll catch him another time.

My kids are really alike sometimes. The Big Man and I stood in line with MK one year for a very long time. She was so excited, couldn't wait...her turn comes, and she wouldn't take a step. We caught him casually at another shop later, and she went right up to him. So funny.

The Big Man's mom sent gifts over for them to open - one every day until Christmas. T.'s latest gift was a set of jumbo crayons. He used them to "write" a letter to Santa and said it was a secret so no one was able to see it. He made a big production out of telling us about it. He then hid it somewhere, so we really didn't get to see it.

T. Willy has learned a new phrase, and we heard it no fewer than 32 times yesterday. It was, "Maddie, you're driving me crazy!" It irritated her, but I thought it was funny, because it's what she says to him all the time.

And today I'm mailing cards and packages and buying baking goods. The fun can begin. Since I didn't get a picture with T. and Santa, I will close with more pictures that my mother-in-law sent of the snow that they had last week. This was taken at their church. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Chellie said...

Santa is definitely a hit or miss, isn't he?
Wow... I can't believe the snow. Very cool. It's been snowing every where like crazy lately! (Well, except in Arizona.) :)