Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Picture of the Day

My contacts have been bothering me (yes, Noelle, I should get the surgery, but I'm chicken!,), so I've resorted to wearing my glasses more often until I make an appointment with the eye doctor. And here is what I look like in glasses...few people see this in person.

MK came home from school and took a nap. When she woke up, she was burning up, so she is officially sick too. I gave her some medicine and she is feeling a bit better, but it's unlikely she'll be going to school tomorrow.

I hope you are well and have a good evening!


Anonymous said...

Seems like the "fever" virus is going around.. that's what Ava has..nothing else..just a fever. It's very odd!!

And YES..go get the surgery..it will be the BEST thing you have EVER DONE.... I swear...and it's not really pain, per se. Just an uncomfortable feeling..but they give you valium before.... :) Do it....

Chellie said...

Love the glasses!!!

I think it's flu season...