Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The events of today

Thankfully, today was a nice lowkey day. MK and the Big Man had a morning out and went out to lunch before he had to be at work. It was nice for them to get some time together. I subbed for the same teacher as yesterday. It went really well, and there wasn't a lot of talk about the bus incident.

MK's morning out with the Big Man didn't go quite as smoothly as I may have made it seem. As it turns out, I sent them to the wrong office, so they drove all the way for nothing. But they did have a good time together, and the appointment was rescheduled at our local office so that I could take her after school. T. Willy enjoys her appointments, because they have an area set up for siblings. It has toys and video games, so he was in his element. In fact, when it was time to go, he did not want to leave. So, today's pictures are of T. playing a video game and then lying on the bench outside of the office. He asked for me to take his picture and then posed for it.

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