Wednesday, April 01, 2009

What do you say?

Pretty much the only people who read this are on Facebook, so this isn't original. However, all I did today was clean, and I didn't go anywhere, and it rained AGAIN, so these are the only pictures I had. So, just in case you aren't on FB, what do you call these?

I grew up calling these "jimmies." Most people, it seems, call them "sprinkles." I'm picky about them, though. They have to be the soft, kind of chewy ones. I will not eat the crunchy ones.

What do you call these? I call them "sneakers,"(actually MK said I really call them "sneaks") and I hear sneakers on television. However, I live in the Deep South, and "tennis shoes" definitely seems to be a Southern thing. "Running shoes" was also a popular name for them.

So that's what I've been thinking about. Hope you had a great day!!

1 comment:

Chellie said...

sprinkles and running shoes!