Sunday, April 05, 2009


Feeding my farm dream

I have a lot of thoughts in my head...I just hope I can make sense of them.

Last night I put something in the crock-pot hoping it would turn out. I'd never made it before, but I thought I'd give it a try. Oh my goodness! It was wonderful. It was corned beef, onions, cabbage and potatoes. It turned out so much better than I expected, albeit a little late for St. Patrick's Day. I told the Big Man it made me feel like a country wife...a good hearty meal to come home to after church. Don't ask me why. My mom always did that for us, and she wasn't a country wife.

I think I say things like that because I dream of living in the country, perhaps on a small farm. My grandparents lived on a farm, and my uncle still lives there. It is truly one of my favorite places in the world, and the dream creeps into my conversation frequently. The Big Man kind of jokes about it though, because farms invite rodents, and I'm a bit phobic about them. I have run into my fair share at "the farm," and yet, I still dream about it. (This also reminds me of a rodent story involving Melissa, our dorm room, and a pair of slippers. Another time.)

And, the Big Man bought me a cast iron skillet this week. That may not be an exciting gift for some women, but it couldn't have made me happier. I've made bacon and eggs in it, and it just makes me feel "country" when I really and truly live smack dab in the suburbs.

So...we had heavy rain last week for days, and it rained again this morning. The Big Man had noticed a wet spot in the ceiling of his closet, so he wanted to check it out. I offered to help, because it was a tight squeeze, and our attic is TINY. So I climbed up and investigated. It was tight, but I think I found the source, and we did what we could to fix it. We'll just have to wait for the next rain to know if it helped. When I was crawling out all full of bravado, I told him that I could too live on a farm, because I like those jobs where I have to be handy. He kind of laughed, but since he didn't have to crawl around the attic, humored me and agreed.

Then, I was taking the garbage out tonight through the garage. When I walked to the edge of the garage, I noticed something. It was a brown, furry ball. My first reaction was "rodent," and my instinct was to get the Big Man. But no, I "farmered up" and investigated it on my own. And I was rewarded. It was just a rabbit (which could be a rodent, I really don't know and am too tired to look it up. I think squirrels are rodents, but they don't bother me...we're really just talking rats and mice, and I really am rambling.) Anyway, the rabbit was just a baby, and it wasn't moving, so I went into the house and got the Big Man and T. Willy. When we went back out, the rabbit was still there. I managed to get a picture of it, and you can barely see it, but I'm posting the picture anyway. Have a great night, and get some sleep!

P.S. I looked it up...rabbits aren't rodents.


Anonymous said...

Ick..rodents. I could never live out in the country. Whenever we have to drive thru the country I tell Charles I'm breaking out in hives and need to get out. :) Props to you for having your farm dream! Maybe one day you'll get to!!

Melissa Gephart said...

I share that farm dream with you Annette!

Chellie said...

"rabbits aren't rodents...." no way! a rodent wouldn't be the easter bunny! :)

great job in the attic!