Friday, March 20, 2009

My new timewaster

I love this game, but I am just not very good at it. Oh well...maybe if I keep playing, I'll improve.

It is the weekend! I hope it is a very long weekend. I'm so excited to have the time off...these days mean so much more than they used to. However, we go to school this week and Spring Break is next week! I told T. Willy that we would have to do some fun things next week. He suggested going to the doctor. I said, "The doctor?" He said, "Yes, I need to go to the doctor...I have Spring Fever!" He cracks me up.

So, the Big Man should be home from work in a little while, and we are out of milk. So I'll run to Walmart in awhile and pick up a few other things. The fun never ends!!!

Good night!

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