Thursday, March 05, 2009

The box...part two

So, T. Willy isn't the only one enjoying the box. MK is having fun with it too. She took it outside yesterday and read while sitting in it. But tonight they brokered a sharing deal, and I was able to catch a picture of it.

After school today, I stopped at the mall and had a great time shopping for new shoes. Don't be shocked...I chose comfort over style. They are still nice, just not hot! If I had been willing to spend $100 on one pair, I'd have gotten a pair of Born shoes that were both comfortable and hot..but no, just comfort today. My feet will thank me later, though.

And tomorrow T. Willy wants to have a campout. So I'm planning to set up the tent when I get home, and the kids and I should be in it tomorrow night. The Big Man may join us for awhile, but he works till 10 tomorrow night then back in at 11 Saturday a.m., so he may just enjoy the sleep in the house.

Have a great night!

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