Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will work for money

Ugh. It does not look like I'll be finding a job in the school system...again. I am trying to stay upbeat, but it's getting me down. I adore substituting. If there weren't the whole "sending a kid to college in four years" thing, I could really enjoy the flexibility of the schedule. But there IS that whole college thing looming for a daughter who deserves to go where she wants to go. We have been saving for years, but how much is enough? Anyway, I'll continue to look, but if I find something full time, it is unlikely going to be something with the schedule that a teaching job offers.

However, I'm in good health, the family is too...really can't complain about anything. It even rained tonight. So life is good!

I was hard up for a picture today. Here I am in MK's sunglasses on the way to the airport with my dad on our last day in Delaware. I had broken mine, so she kindly let me borrow hers. Check out T. Willy enjoying the sights.

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