Tuesday, June 16, 2009


MK had another day of camp. She came home much livelier than she did yesterday. She is developing a callous from throwing and catching the flag, but she seems to be enjoying it. A friend of mine has a daughter on color guard, so we're sharing driving duties, and that makes it nice.

The Big Man only has one day off this week due to his illness last week. Today was that day. He and T. Willy bonded and spent most of the day together. T. is worn out due to swimming. He took his "floaties" off today, and he is getting much bolder in the water. That's progress. He's invited to his friend's birthday party on Saturday, and it's a swim party. Is it too much to hope he'll be swimming by then?

MK has been teasing me about my hair roots. They were really bad, but I just kept putting it off. Finally, the Big Man coerced me to do it today. So, I spent a delightful 3 hours at the salon. However, I'm very pleased with the way they turned out, and knowing me, won't go back for another year...or until MK's teasing becomes relentless. It's tough having a fashion forward teenager!

So, that's it for today. Hope you have a great night!

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