Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's the small things

My first day home was wonderful. I wasn't able to sleep in, but I slept well. The Big Man is feeling better and hasn't run a fever at all today. The kids were great and helpful. It is good to be home.

While I was working, dinner became something of an afterthought. So, tonight, I tried to make up for it. We grilled chicken and ribs, had corn on the cob, and MK and I picked beans from the garden and made them for dinner. We had watermelon for dessert. T. Willy ate three servings of he walked away with a bowl in hand, he would say to anyone in earshot, "I like watermelon."

So, that's it for tonight. I hope you had a great day and will have a wonderful one tomorrow!

1 comment:

Melissa Gephart said...

I know what you mean about dinner being an afterthought. I was just telling Bill that I need to be better about planning our meals if I am going to be working evenings now and then. Time to pull out the trusty crock pot and start filling the freezer!