Saturday, September 27, 2008

Think John Cougar...John Cougar Mellencamp....John Mellencamp

I may have mentioned once or twenty seven times that we live in a small town. It has its ups and downs, but we really do like it, and it's a great place for a family. Last night the carnival came to town, and it seemed like half the town showed up for it...MK, TW and me included. We took one of MK's friends with us and had a good time.

Then another reminder of our small town life...our local newspaper recently upgraded to publishing two issues a week. I am not complaining, because if this is all that's happening in town, instead of murders and burglaries, etc., I am okay with it...but today, the big story on the front page? The directions for boiling peanuts, I kid you not.

So here are some pictures of our evening. In the first one, you can see MK in a yellow shirt at the top of the picture. I can't believe she will ride this, because the many times we've been to Disney, she has hardly ridden anything. In the second picture you will see MK and TW. She was a good sport and rode this with him so that he wouldn't have to go alone. After a few times he didn't care and rode it and chatted with the kids around him. Then we ran into a kid from his preschool and he hid his face and wouldn't talk. Go figure.

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