So, if you have looked at my sidebar and read Melissa's blog today, you were treated to some eloquent insight into some great literary works. Then, if you read her brother-in-law's blog, you'll read some inspiring things that he has to say about another great author. So, I thought I would add something I thought about today regarding a popular work of literature by another famous author.
Beverly Cleary. (This will likely only appeal to you girls out there. I hope you weren't expecting a deep theological exposition. If you were...refer to my sidebar at once.) Today my mom and I went for haircuts. She nearly didn't go, because she was nervous about how it would turn out, but desperation overtook her misgivings and off we went. They took her first and then sat me across the room with my back to her, so I couldn't see what was happening. The girl who cut my hair did exactly what I asked and I came out quite happy. I needed quite a bit of damaged ends taken off and she really did a nice job. Then my mom came out very unhappy. The girl cut it too short and then had to ask her boss to correct what she had done, which of course, ended up making it even shorter. I was reminded of the book "Ramona and her Mother" in which Beezus saves up all of her money to get her hair cut professionally and they totally botch the job. Then they select Ramona to get a cut for free and it is adorable and Ramona is torn between being so happy about her hair but so sad for Beezus.
My mom wasn't really that's hair, it grows. But it made me think of that book and it was a great and lasting memory. It also reminded me of why I'm in school and having to do homework while I have company, and having to leave home 2 nights a week and not getting to tuck T. Willy in, which I absolutely love to do and losing time with MK and the Big Man. There is a reason for all of this. If I can help other children learn to love reading the way that I always have and the way that MK does, and the way T. Willy is already showing an inclination toward...I'll have given them a gift. So off I go to read "Ordeal of the Cheque" and make sense of my assignment. Good night, all!
Thanks for the compliment! Our house has always favored "Ralph the Mouse" and all his adventures by Beverly Cleary. Too cute.
It is funny how those books get stuck in your head.
Your mom is such a trooper!
Good luck in your quest. I can't think of anyone better suited for the job!
How boring life would be without books to get lost in and learn from!! Giving kids a love of literature is indeed a goal worth working towards. Keep up the good work with your schooling. :0)
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