Monday, July 26, 2010

Families aren't always related

Band Camp started for MK today. She has been at guard practice for a couple of weeks, but the full band was going to practice today. I tried to sleep in, but I was up early anyway. I was sitting at the computer when my cell phone started to ring. My cell phone almost never rings. We are texters. I answered it and could barely hear MK. All I heard was her crying, a name and "killed." It was announced at band that one of their members had killed himself last night. The band is very close and often referred to as "family." It really is how we all feel about it. While she didn't know the young man well, she knew him. We all knew who he was. We just saw him at the movies Saturday night. We are still waiting to hear facts. Facebook has had a lot of information, but it's hard to separate fact from fiction. We've already heard things that we know aren't true. They're meeting again tonight. I'll go with MK. If she needs me, I'll be there. If she doesn't, I'll be there to work on my classroom.

Today's picture is of the whole band on the cruise. We love our band!!!!

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