Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Blog worthy"

After the competition last night, MK wanted to ride the bus home. I
understood, because they were excited about their high scores. They
were fed there, so T. Willy and I came back to town and ate dinner at
the Big Man's restaurant before picking her up at the school. There
was only one other couple in the restaurant, so T. had a fun time
getting to explore a little.

At one point, the Big Man brought a server out. She was acting kind
of shy. He explained that she wanted to know how old I was. I asked
how old she thought I was. She guessed 25! I think she is my new
best friend! I explained that, no, I am actually turning 40 in two
weeks, but thanks for making an "old" woman feel good.

T. Willy has been wanting to have a campout. I intended to put the
tent up, but the weekend was too busy. Instead, we "camped out" in
the living room last night. We didn't get home last night until 11:45,
but he still enjoyed it. I even slept until 7:30...a big deal for me!

MK texted on her way home last night that her hair was looking less
than lovely. She even said it was "blog worthy." Of course that meant
that I had to take a picture of it. So here is a before picture of
her with her "guard hair," then an after picture of her in the parking
lot right off the bus. I love that girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks beautiful..I like the after hair :) Very windswept :)