Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Time for T. Willy to get a break

After his traumatic day yesterday, we put T. Willy to bed, and the Big Man, MK and I watched some tv. T.Willy has always been really good about going to bed, but last night he was up at least three times. He kept asking if we would ever have a fire in our house. He must have really been listening to the firemen who visited the school yesterday. I didn't promise him we absolutely wouldn't have a fire, but I told him that we are very careful and take precautions toward fire safety. I guess he believed me after the third visit, because he finally went to sleep.

Then today at school, I saw a missed call from an unknown number on my phone. There was no message, so I figured it was a wrong number. Then the phone began to ring (during my free period,) so I answered it, and it was T. Willy's teacher. This is rarely a good thing. She said that he had thrown up at lunch and wanted to see what I wanted to do. He has always had a really strong gag reflex. He will throw up if he is crying too hard. I asked if that had been the case, but it hadn't, so the Big Man picked him up and brought him home. Then, he was feeling great for the rest of the day. Go figure.

She did, however, tell me a story about him that I really appreciated. They journal at school. Today's prompt was something like, "I have fun when..." T. Willy wrote that he has fun when he goes to his friend, Dylan's, house. The noteworthy part was that he had written "Dylan's" with an apostrophe. She was quite pleased with that for a Kindergartener. They are having a night where they are going to display some writing, and she said that she is going to submit his. That was pretty exciting. Of course, on the way home, he was spelling some words, and he was using apostrophes to make words plural, so he doesn't have a complete understanding of it, but it's a start!

While this isn't a picture, it's a favorite video of MK and T. Willy in the bathtub when he was about 20 months old. He has always loved letters and his big sister.

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