Saturday, April 05, 2008

That was quick

And now it is just the weekend...our break is over. We stayed close to home, but accomplished a few things and had a good time. I enjoy my job, so I'm not sorry to go back, but it was very nice to be home too. On the last Friday before the break, we had parent/teacher conferences. I had been worried about one specifically...and without going into particulars, I've had some serious concerns about this student. The mother was so great and we are going to try a new course of action. I am really looking forward to getting that started. We only have a month left in my night class. I have enjoyed it immensely, but it has taken a toll on all of us. We are getting down to the wire, and I just hope I have prepared them appropriately for their exit exam.

Tonight we colored Maddie's hair again. We just did the again. I promised last time, um, around New Year's to post a picture, but this time I really may do it.

Have a great day!


melissa said...

You seem really prepared for what's ahead of you. (But that doesn't surprise me!)

PLEASE post a pic of MK's hair! Savannah has been eyeing the colored extensions.

Chellie said...

Sounds wonderful! I'm excited to hear about what your next adventure in life is all about!