Sunday, March 16, 2008


I have not posted pictures in a very long time. Tonight will be no different, but I am working on some. My parents safely arrived in town this evening, and will undoubtedly give us reasons for some photo ops.

MK thoroughly enjoyed her friend's surprise birthday party last night. The Big Man was working, so T. Willy and I stayed with her for the whole thing. It was a blast. They have "Rock Band" which is Guitar Hero times 4. The kids had so much fun with it, and the adults even took some turns. They also had a Wii set up in a different area, so between the wonderfully patient dog and the Wii, T. Willy had a ball too!

And off to bed I go! Have a great night, and if I don't post pictures sometime this week, nag me! But not yet.



melissa said...

Oooooo....PICTURES! Can't wait! Please tell your folks "hi" for me. We REALLY want "Rock Band" for our house. (sigh) I'm pretty sure I'd be great at it. ;-)

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Chellie said...

Enjoy your time with your parents! now that you've mentioned it... that would really be an awesome thing! :)