Friday, August 05, 2005

16 years later...

Today is our 16th anniversary. When I look back on it I wonder what my parents were thinking. I was so young! But here we are and I wouldn't trade the Big Man for anything. He had the day off but I went to have my hair done and it took 4 hours, so he played with T most of the day.

Melissa of VA asked about MK's first day of school. She had a great time. She likes her teacher and was only disappointed that they didn't do much the first day. Today they took some tests and she liked that better. Her teacher is getting married in June so she thought that was exciting. Thankfully she is still in elementary. Middle school begins here in 6th grade. I am not looking forward to that at all. We have loved her elementary school. In addition to academics, they emphasize and enforce proper manners and dress code. My mom was here once for their talent show and she couldn't believe that they were singing "Jesus songs." For Christmas they sing carols, not just Santa songs, and no one blinks an eyelash. In second grade, her teacher had a "Getting to Know the Teacher" poster and on it she wrote that her favorite book was the Bible. Her teacher last year was a Christian too. We have been very blessed.

So that's what is going on with us. What's new with you?


L said...

Happy Anniversary! It's hard to believe so many years have gone by. (Our 15th anniversary is this year :)

melissa said...

Happy Anniversary! Wow, you guys are gettin' old! ;-)

Glad the first week of school went so well for MK!

Thom said...

Happy Anniversary!

melissa said...

Ummmmm....are we gonna have to wait for year 17 for another post??(nudge, nudge) ;-) I am sorry. I get addicted!