Monday, February 14, 2011

Maybe I'm sentimental after all.

I tend to be kind of practical and not at all sentimental about Valentine's Day. We do things for the kids, but we are low key about gifts for each other. I think the Big Man just changed that. He's out of town for a few days for work. The date didn't matter; we rarely celebrate Valentine's Day....because of me.

I've long maintained that it's a manufactured holiday. We should tell our loved ones that we love them every day, not just because of a date on the calendar. So the fact that he was out of town today in particular wasn't more upsetting than if it were any other day.

Then I got a text. "Check out front by the glider." So I did. The Big Man gave me a huge and wonderful surprise. Follow my photo journey, and although I didn't post a picture of myself, know that I am smiling...BIG!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...I love it!!!!!! Good for him :)