Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kiss. Hug. Kiss.

We are leaving for our cruise in the morning. The Big Man, MK and I
are going, and T. Willy is going to stay with the Big Man's parents at
their house here in our neighborhood. We are looking forward to a
great trip, but I am slightly concerned about T. Willy simply because
we've never been away from him for this long.

So tonight as we said our goodbyes, I was hoping for a big hug.
Instead he gave me a kiss. I said, "I wanted a hug." Then he said, as
if I should have known the order instinctively, "It's kiss, hug, you got a kiss."

So, I will probably post once more from the bus as we ride to the port
in Jacksonville, then we're going "apple free" until we get back in
port Monday morning.

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