Friday, January 27, 2012
Has spring sprung?
Monday, January 23, 2012
No snow here.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Like mother like son.
Before & after? Before & during?
Monday, January 16, 2012
My favorite
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Changin' it up.
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Before and after
We made it to Sunday! We are exhausted but can recharge today to take on the new week. It's exam week at school, so that will be a little more taxing for the students, but it also means half days, so I'm looking forward to that.
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Ooops, hit send too soon.
A friend of mine took this picture on the California trip. I think it was right after Bandfest. I love it!!!
Sunday's comin'
I'm at our district Thespian festival right now. T. Willy is with me, so we're just hanging out supporting our school. We did the one act yesterday, and it was better than we'd ever rehearsed. I'm so proud of them!!! I must admit that it was hard to keep my eyes off the character of Yuma played by the marvelous MK!!!!
Thursday, January 05, 2012
I can make it to Sunday; I know I can.
So, I'm just going to post a quick pic of T. Willy and his new penguin and call it a night.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Dorothy said it best.
We should have had a nice quiet day, but it was pretty busy. I was up early to spend time with T. Willy before school, we had an appointment, I went to school to work with the drama club, and then went to scouts with T. Willy. I just keep reminding myself that I'll be able to relax next week; I just have to make it until then. Our district competition is Friday and Saturday, and then drama club is pretty much finished for the year. It's a lot of fun, but I look forward to spending more time at home.
So I'll add some of our last views of the trip (including a picture of the roses the Big Man left for MK and me when we got to the car at school) and I'm going to try to get some sleep. It was a dream vacation, but we're back to reality tomorrow.
Monday, January 02, 2012
My favorite parade ever
And then they performed for the television cameras. We could see them pretty well and thought they were great. We've read a lot of Facebook comments and texts, but I think my favorite came from one of the announcers: "Can you believe this is a high school band?"
Our hearts are full; the kids are tired, and we are ready to go home. We hope to be in our house by 3:00 a.m. This has definitely been the trip of a lifetime, but we miss our homes, and I really miss the Big Man and T. Willy. So, here are pictures, the best I could do on my phone.
Also, something funny: we were frequently teased or cheered for by Oregon and Wisconsin fans, because there was red everywhere we went, and people thought we were Wisconsin fans. We'd just say, "Go, Badgers," and move along.
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Almost time...
We've had a blast. I am ready to see my Big Man and my Little Man, but I'll be sorry to leave too. California has been wonderful; however, my home is pretty wonderful too.
We spent today at Universal Studios, and ended the day at Jillian's which is a Dave and Buster's type place. It was really neat. We had the entire place to ourselves, and the kids could play all the games and had unlimited soda, pizza, nachos and salad. A kid's dream!
Now we're on the bus heading back to our hotel to get a few hours of sleep before getting up at 3:00 a.m. We are feeding the kids bagged breakfasts and getting on the road at 4:30. If you can, watch the parade and look for #53: the Big Red Machine!!!!