Friday, September 09, 2005


My actual knowledge of French is quite limited, but I have started a French theme in my kitchen. The Mrs.' parents are quite artistic so they made a sign based on one I had seen in a catalog. It is a not quite literal translation of live well, laugh often, love much. Anyway, the artiste's mari ( hung it today and here is what it looks like. I am so happy with it! Thanks, Dennis and Kathy!

On the hurricane front...the brothers in law came back yesterday. The damage to their homes is reparable but worse than they expected. All of the evacuees at my in-law's house had water damage but in different degrees. There are pictures but I will have to download them first and I'll do it as soon as I can.

Thanks for all of your prayers!


L said...

Love the sign :) Very nice.

melissa said...

Um. You SOOoooo need to blog.

Thom said...

The sign looks GREAT!