Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Granddad's spaghetti

A highlight of every visit with my parents is my dad's spaghetti. We all look forward to it. He started a pot this morning, and we could smell it simmering all day. Around 11:00, T. Willy was already asking for it.

Finally we were able to eat. Here are some pictures of it. My mom isn't in them, because she had a kitchen mishap and was lying down. She is still in pain, so we are now letting her rest.

We were home from the movie around 3:30 a.m. The kids slept in, but I was up at 7:00, after staying up till 4:45 to try to resolve an issue with my mom's phone. I finally had success with the phone this afternoon, and I was pretty excited to have it behind me. We had a quiet day and are looking forward to another fun day tomorrow. We head back to Florida on Saturday, so this has been a nice long trip.

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