Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I accept your challenge, Noelle

Well, today was more boring than usual. The Big Man is closing tonight which means he was home during the day. We did nothing. We watched some t.v. and napped. Boring. So I will tell anecdotes about my birth to keep Noelle on her toes. They just make me chuckle and it would be nice to have them recorded in cyberspace for posterity.

These are as I have heard them...hope I get them right.

I was born on a Saturday morning. My mom realized that I was coming quickly so they called some friends of theirs (the Knapps) to meet them at the hospital to watch my brother who was about 4 1/2. When they got to the hospital, the friends were not there yet and I was coming fast. So they locked my brother in the car to wait until the Knapps got there. My mom and dad went into the hospital and I was born in a matter of minutes with my poor brother waiting in the car. I am told the Knapps got there quickly, but I cannot imagine that happening today. It certainly ages me, because when I went into labor with T. Willie, MK came with us up until the operating room. Then she sat in the nurses's station and waited.

The other story is about my dad. It was his job to call the family to let them know that I had been born. So he called his parents, my mom's parents, their brothers and sisters, answer anywhere. He was dying to tell someone so he called the operator and said he just had to tell someone. She laughed and then said that he wasn't the first person that had ever done that. That ages us too, because now it is really hard to get ahold of an actual operator.

Thanks to Noelle and Melissa for their kind wishes. Have a great day!


melissa said...

BWAHAHAHAH! O.K. Now THAT'S funny. And not to scar your brother for life....but...didn't dad's just wait in the waiting room then??
And we all would like to know: What was Noelle's challenge????

Anniesue said...

They did just wait...maybe there was a lot of paperwork.

Her challenge was for me to blog 2 days in a row...and I did it!

melissa said...

That is so funny! Maybe your bro. was just an exceptionally unruly child??? LOL. (Ahem, does he read this?)