Thursday, November 12, 2009

Playing with the big boys

I sat outside this afternoon and watched T. Willy play football with
our neighbor and his friends. They are all a few years older than he
is, but they were so sweet to him. They helped him make touchdowns
and taught him how to block while watching out for his safety. He had
so much fun!

Not too many teachers dressed up today, but it was still fun. I took
candy in my basket and passed it out to kids in costume. They
appreciated it, and it gave me an excuse to talk to students that I
don't normally see.

Tomorrow is Homecoming. It is going to be a long day. MK probably
won't even go home. We have a pep rally at school, the parade and
then, of course, the game. It should be a lot of fun. It is also the
last football game of the season. We have loved it, but we will also
enjoy the break from guard practices and games.

Here are some pictures of T. Willy playing football and "Little Red
Riding Hood" at school.

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