Saturday, June 13, 2009

A good day

Not much happened today. The kids and I hung out. I started my thorough house cleaning...not much fun, but it feels good. While I was working, a lot of things fell to the wayside, and I'm trying to get things back to normal.

MK and I went shopping today. We found her a new bathing suit. Her friend's family bought her a season pass to our local water park, so she needs to own more than one suit. It is just so fun to spend time with her: she's such a neat kid. "Age appropriateness" is something I think about a lot. I saw a shirt and asked MK if I was too old to wear it...she said, "You're too young to wear it." That was a nice thing to hear. I don't feel old, but don't want to dress like I still think I'm a kid, nor do I want to dress "old" either.

So, that's about it. I hope you had a wonderful day.

I'll leave this to MK.

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