Monday, May 08, 2006

Another birthday

MK turned 11 on Friday the 5th! Wow! We kind of threw together a last minute party with 7 girls swimming in the backyard. It was probably my favorite party ever. Just the 7 girls and my sister in law and me. It was great. They swam, ate cake and opened presents and swam some more. The girls were so well behaved and polite. What a nice day! The Big Man and I gave MK a new bike for her birthday, so I've included a picture of her on it. Happy Birthday, MK!


Thom said...

Belated Happy Birthday to MK!!!!!!! SOunds like a great party!

Anniesue said...

Lynette, we didn't have to do anything for the boys this year. The Big Man was at work and T. Willy slept through the entire thing. He didn't see one guest! They are past the friendly boy/girl stage and not into the "oh no" boy/girl stage and since my kids aren't close in age, they don't really overlap. Melissa might have some good ideas! If we ever hear from her again, that is.

No one is you ...& that's your power said...

Hi anniesue,

Glad you enjoyed my one picture tour!. I was having difficulty with my pictures and my blog order is back to front.!..I knew It was working when i got your comment and I was chuffed!!
Your home looks great but I wanted a peice of that cake!
Take care x Dommi