It looks like he's saying, " you don't want me to throw THAT kind of it."
Well, apparently the little guy's got a Major Leagues pitching contract in his future. That's good news, at least, right?
We're taking calls from a few scouts, so we'll see. I was thinking he'd play defense for a football team, but he may just have an arm. Quarterback, maybe? I'm not really one of THOSE mothers, at least not yet.
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It looks like he's saying, " you don't want me to throw THAT kind of it."
Well, apparently the little guy's got a Major Leagues pitching contract in his future. That's good news,
at least, right?
We're taking calls from a few scouts, so we'll see. I was thinking he'd play defense for a football team, but he may just have an arm. Quarterback, maybe? I'm not really one of THOSE mothers, at least not yet.
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