Sunday, July 10, 2005


We spent some time today exploring Alachua. Ten minutes later...okay, not really but so far we haven't seen much. G & P took Ty for a drive and MK and I went to the grocery store. After the store we decided to go for a drive and caught up with G & P. We saw some nice neighborhoods but never really got off the main drag where our hotel is. So there really may be more out there. The Big Man arrived safely around dinnertime and he is the best for finding fun. So tomorrow we may have an adventure after all. Mostly we spent today at the hotel.

T. Willy isn't sure what to do with himself. At home his life is fairly structured. That isn't to say that I am, but he is a child who likes routine and this has thrown him off a bit. MK is bored but she's making the best of it. G & P have their dog with them, so she's being entertained by Gracie. She's been reading and went swimming with P but has been disappointed because she was supposed to be in New Orleans with her cousin. If all goes well, she will still get to go home with them on Monday.

The Big Man worked this morning and checked the Weather Channel at 4:30 a.m. At that time the hurricane was a "1" and he debated even joining us. The last I heard they said it was only 6 miles an hour from becoming a "4" as it has picked up strength in the open Gulf. We live 30 miles from the coast but we are thankful that he decided to come. Our neighbor stayed at home through Ivan in September when we left. When we returned we asked how it went. He said that it was the scariest thing he'd ever been through. And he was in a helicopter crash as a soldier in Vietnam. He said that he would never stay through another one and moved a few months later.

Loss of life isn't so much a concern as far inland as we are. But we lost many tree limbs, roof shingles and fascia and many people lost their homes during Ivan. We know several people who have only been back in their homes since March and are now facing that again. We are thankful for the stuff we have but realize more than ever - it's just stuff. The most important things in our lives are in this hotel room as I write. (Although MK may argue that's not true, since we didn't bring her cat this time.) Nonetheless, stuff can be replaced. (I want you to hold me to that next week if the only stuff I have left is what I brought with me.)

So there you go. Drop me a line if you can...I'm bored!


melissa said...

Oh, Annette I am praying for you guys. Just because you have been through it before, can't make it any easier. I'm glad that the Big Man decided to come and meet you. Hope that T. hangs in there for you tonight, and that MK gets to enjoy her week w/the grandparents and family! You are in our prayers.

Thom said...

Wow. You guys hang in there. I applaud you on your calm handling of the situation and positive attitude.
I will certainly keep you in my prayers.